Core Values


The three “Greats” given by Jesus

The Great Commandment (Mark 12)

“Love God and Each Other”

The Great Commission (Matthew 28)

“Go and Make Disciples”

The Great Collaboration (John 17)

“That they may be one as We are One”

Indigenous Authority

All of our church planting efforts are in partnership with European Christian leadership on the ground.  We are true partners who learn from each other and who resource each other.  We collaborate with the established church to stimulate renewal and multiplication.  With mutual respect, we submit to the final authority of the indigenous leadership of those with whom we partner.  

Respect for History and Culture

Europe has a rich Christian history and heritage.  We as a partnership are rooted in the historic Reformation and aligned with the historic Christian orthodoxy.  We long for the fresh wind and fire of the Holy Spirit to move among the churches of Europe, but we do so with a deep appreciation of the Spirit’s long-standing work among these churches. 


Innovation and Experimentation

Fresh expressions of the church are welcome in this partnership as a recognition that the Church is always seeking to contextualize her mission.  We move forward boldly and in faith, believing that the moorings of our faith will always hold.  Some experiments will bear fruit and some may not, but we are committed to a learning posture and an openness to trying new and innovative approaches to ministry. 

Expatriate Communities

We recognize the massive and historic movement of persons from one place to another around the globe.  Immigration and global mobility make both permanent and temporary expatriate communities a reality in almost every city on the European continent.  We value the presence of diverse people and affirm the need to reach all people for Jesus Christ no matter where they are living.  We also affirm the need to plant international churches, language-specific churches, and missionary churches focused on communities that originate in another culture. 

Mutual Learning

The Church of Jesus Christ is a learning community.  As we plant new churches and seek the renewal of existing churches, we affirm that there is much to learn.  Members of the larger global Church have much to learn from the European Church.  Members of the European Church community have an opportunity to learn from their global partners.